The first two issues of DIARY OF NIGHT have hit the book store. DIARY OF NIGHT (DON) was created and written by Will Allred. I provided the full art and lettering was done by Rus Wooton. Published by Bloodfire Studios, DON is a four issue full color mini-series. Look
here for a preview, and check out
SCOOP for a review of the first two issues. This was my first shot at coloring an entire series and while doing the pencils, inks and then colors was a big task, it was a fun one too. The art today was done for promotional purposes. And this is a promotional post. Check it out. Ask for it by name. Tell them I sent you. End of shameless plug :)
It's not just self-promotion, it's promoting me and Rus, too...so promote away!
I know I've told you this via e-mail, but I love checking out your blog. It's great seeing all the different styles and genres you work in.
I agree with Will. It is indeed a pleasure to stop by this blog on a regular basis and sample the offering of the day.
These promotional sketches are awesome! I will look for this book next week.
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