Finished the last of four illustrations for one job. Been a bit hectic lately, though that is not going to stop anytime soon. Working hard to get caught up and hoping that by the end of the month I will have everything behind me. That whole process is threatening my trip to the Pittsburgh ComiCon. Hopefully I won't have to cancel. As for this piece, it was done in pencil and then colored and typeset in Photoshop.
The word "Systemness" seems to be a reoccuring word!
Please let me know if your workload prevents you from going to Pittsburgh. Totally understand if you cannot make it.
Gary - That word is a key term one of the top people likes to use.
Pittsburgh is out for me. I really wanted to be there but as it is I have one big deadline on 21st for a first draft of art and a final piece delivered one week later. Pretty much kills any chance of going to the show. Now I need to contact the airline about my plane ticket.
Well, the only positive about you not being at Pittsburgh is that I don't have to get in line at 4:00 am to be first at your table for a convention sketch! :-)
Concerning that airline ticket, if it was on American, it may be already taken care of!
Best of luck with your deadlines, and don't stress out too much!
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