Busy day at MegaCon today. In someways it felt like a Saturday. The crowd was big and the was artwork to do. I kept extremely busy today working on Canson Cuties, one of Magik in her demon form and a Mystique. Picked up another Canson Cutie for tomorrow of Supergirl. And I did a layout in a sketchbook for a jam piece featuring the Sinister Six. Think Giant Size X-Men #1, replace the background figures with Spidey and the six villains bursting forth and you get the idea. I layout out the entire image and finished the Sandman figure. Now it's up to other artists to complete. Meanwhile here is a work in progress of my take on Alice and her favorite stuffed animal. This is being done for Lan.
More tomorrow!
This is Post #876
Nice Gene. Love the pose!
OK Gene...now you are making me jealous of those that were able to attend. Sounds like a very diverse set of requests! Hope that everyone is enjoying the con!
Wow, sounds like you are off to a fast start to the Con! Hey, maybe this means that the economy is recovering!
Thanks for sharing Alice!
Great looking Alice! Have fun at the show.
'daww, extremes of cuteness.
Little John - Thanks!
Royce - It was a great show. Lots of really nice folks and because of the cosplay, it's fun to people watch. You need to come down sometime.
Gary - My Friday was like a Saturday. My Saturday and Sunday were like Fridays. Never had a Sunday. :) Thanks!
Lan - Glad you liked the finished piece. Send me a scan sometime. I never got a shot of it. Thanks!
Brian - Thanks!
Colinmo - Thanks!
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