So we have hit another milestone. But first, here is the second piece commissioned by Kevin, Judomaster. I have less than a passing familiarity with Judomaster. I know he was in the Charlton Comics and I remember him showing up in Crisis on Infinite Earths but that's it. While I don't know the back story, I do know the visual. This was a fun piece to do in that it was a character I have never drawn. Thus when looking at references I think I subconsciously channeled Dick Giordano and Frank McLaughlin, the artists whose work I was looking at. Something I didn't notice until Kevin pointed it out. It was something he liked, thank goodness. Thanks again to Kevin for the two commissions. This was done in ink on a 11" x 17" sheet of Strathmore Bristol Board.
So what is the milestone:
800 consecutive days of posting since January 1, 2008 (The official start date of this blog)
Congrats on reaching 800! What a run and still going strong!!
Congrats on post #800!
Thanks Royce!
Thanks Little John!
Congrats :)
Err...I'm not "Little John" I'm "Big Beatty!" LOL...guess I missed the cake? ;)
Thanks Brian!
Sorry, Big John! D'oh! :) The cake went really fast. I think Royce took the last piece.
Congrats on post #800!
Darn, no cake?
Very nice Judomaster Gene!
Thanks Little John! Sorry about the cake. Royce took the last piece. ;)
Once of the great things I get out of your blog (besides the amazing art and how you create it) is you immense knowledge on DC characters. Never heard of Judomaster and would have thought he was a more recent character if I did. Thanks for sharing the great commission!
So, sometime in September of this year, you will be hitting 4 digits in the blog posting count? Congratulations!
800? Muy impressive streak! Looking forward to the next 800 days!
Thanks Gary. You know I didn't even consider when we would hit 1000. Oy!
Thanks Patman!
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