One of 77 head sketches I did today. I sat in one spot from 10am-5pm doing sketches and had a blast. Thanks to Tom Fleming and the crew at Fanfare for taking good care of me and Dakota. And thanks to all the nice folks who got a sketch and chatted with me. This was a blast.
Let's do it again next year. :)
77 heads sketched??? Your hand must be ready to fall off! I am sure the fans appreciated it!
Who was the most requested character? (And how many Thors did you do?
Gary - actually my hand was fine. I was tired of course but the people that waited in line for a sketch were very patient and nice. All in all it was a great deal of fun!
Royce - I took 69 photos of the 77. Though I haven't gone through them to check I would say Spider-Man, Thor, and Captain America were the top requests.
Dig the Wolverine! Were you able to get pics of the 77?
Perhaps quick headsketches should be a con option?
Oh wow, I had to fix my post, I meant to say "Gene thanks for the headshot" thats the last time I try to post something after waking up. D: Sorry for the mix up.
holy crap! O_O
77!!!! Dang you must have been a blur and there had to be a Starbucks near by ;)
Wow! 77? Amazing!
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